Agenda-Features and Importance


Agenda is a document that outlines the contents of a forthcoming meeting.It is usually sent along with the notice of the meeting. It comes from the Latin word “agendum” (singular) which means ‘a thing to be done.’ It is the route map of the meeting. The specimen notices above already contain a hint of how it is written. The agenda may be a part of the notice or may be attached as an annexure. The conveyor/secretary prepares it in consultation with the chairperson and gets his approval.


Features or characteristics of agenda

The features of agenda can be state as follows:

  • Generally, agenda is sent along with the notice of the meeting.
  • It is written at the end but before or after the signature of the convener of the meeting.
  • It is arranged according to the importance of the end.
  • Controversial topics should be written at the end.
  • The topics are determined by the secretary with consulting the higher authority or the convener of the meeting.
  • It written in brief but explicit manner.


Importance or necessities of agenda

Agenda is the explicit topics to be discussed in a meeting the members. No one can ignore the importance of an agenda. The necessity or importance’s of an agenda are as follows:

  • As it is circulated in advance, the members of the committee or meeting can take preparation to discuss the topics accurately.
  • It helps to take prompt decision.
  • Since it has a set of order, it helps the chairperson to conduct the meeting smoothly.
  • It can ensure covering all the topics that will be discussed in a meeting.
  • It helps to control the unnecessary talking in the meeting.
  • It is helps to write the minutes and resolution of the meeting.
  • As it is served earlier, the members of the meeting can exchange their thought and ideas informally before holding the meeting.
Agenda-Features and Importance

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