Entrepreneurship Development

Role of Government in promoting Entrepreneurship

Role of Government in promoting Entrepreneurship   Government plays a very important role in developing entrepreneurship. Government develop industries in rural and backward areas by giving various facilities with the objective of balances regional development.The government set programmes to help entrepreneurs in the field of technique,finance,market and entrepreneurial development so that they help to accelerate […]

Phases of EDPs

 Phases of EDP   It is said that an economy is an effect for which entrepreneurship is a cause. Entrepreneurship development has, therefore, become a matter of great concern in all developed and developing countries all over the world. But the real problem is how to develop entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship development programme(EDP) are deemed to offer […]

Phases of EDPs – Three Stages of Entrepreneurship development programme with Examples

 Phases of  Entrepreneurship development programme (EDP) It is said that an economy is an effect for which entrepreneurship is a cause. Entrepreneurship development has, therefore, become a matter of great concern in all developed and developing countries all over the world. But the real problem is how to develop entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship development programme(EDP) are deemed […]

Importance/Need of entrepreneurship development programme (EDP)

Importance/Need of entrepreneurship development programme (EDP)   Importance of entrepreneurship development programme (EDP) is to enable entrepreneurs initiating and sustaining the process of economic development in the following ways- 1.Creation of Employment Opportunities Unemployment is one of the most important problems confronting developing and underdevelopment countries, EDP’s enable prospective entrepreneurs in the setting up of […]

Measures to boost the Entrepreneurship Development Programme in India

Measures to boost the Entrepreneurship Development Programme in India   Government of India has made an excellent attempt through various reforms and schemes to boost the development of new entrepreneurship in India. The following strategies for entrepreneurship development in India may be suggested. 1.Creating Awareness Of Entrepreneurship In order to shift the trend from wage […]

Need for Entrepreneurial Development Programme in India

Need for Entrepreneurial Development Programme in India   The trained and successful entrepreneur becomes ideal for others. The talents of entrepreneurs can be raised by undertaking Entrepreneurship Development Programme (EDP). The need for EDP can be visualized from the following explanations: i. EDP facilitates in removal of industrial slums because it leads for decentralization of […]

Entrepreneurship Development Program-Meaning and Objectives

Entrepreneurship Development Program   Meaning As the term itself denotes, EDP is a programme meant to develop entrepreneurial abilities among the people. In other words, it refers to inculcation, development, and polishing of entrepreneurial skills into a person needed to establish and successfully run his / her enterprise. Thus, the concept of entrepreneurship development programme […]

Entrepreneurial Motivation-Meaning ,Definition,Nature and Factors

Entrepreneurial Motivation   Meaning The entrepreneurial motivation is the process that activates and motivates the entrepreneur to exert higher level of efforts for the achievement of his/her entrepreneurial goals. In other words, the entrepreneurial motivation refers to the forces or drive within an entrepreneur that affect the direction, intensity, and persistence of his / her […]

Entrepreneurial Competency

Entrepreneurial Competency   Meaning The business operation is considered to be very complex in a competitive business environment, which is constantly changing with fast technological advancements. An entrepreneur is expected to interact with these environmental forces which require him to be highly competent in different dimensions like intellectual, attitudinal, behavioural, technical, and managerial aspects. Entrepreneurs […]

Problems faced by Entrepreneurs

Problems faced by Entrepreneurs   Entrepreneurs face a number of problems in the promotion of units and during production,marketing,distribution,procurement of raw material,and availing of incentives offered by the State government. The problems of entrepreneurs may be divided into two groups-external and internal.External problems are those, which result from factors beyond the control of entrepreneurs while […]

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