
Satvik, Rajasik and Tamasik food

Facts about Food Why is it forbidden to eat onions and garlic during navratri ? What is satvik, rajasik and tamasik bhojan ? Before answering why onions and garlic are prohibited during navratri it is important to understand the three thypes of bhojan in Ayurveda. Those who do not have the patience to read the […]

Facts about Food

FACTS ABOUT FOOD Some Important facts about food  Why cucumber is bitter? Why pregnant ladies should not eat Papaya? Is it healthier to drink water after or during meal? Why cucumber is bitter? Cucumbers are bitter because of a natural organic compound present in it called cucurbitacin. Cucurbitacin is found mainly in the vegetative parts […]

‘Environmental laws and how they protect the society’

Today, the conservation, protection and improvement of human environment are major issues all over the world. Human environment consists of both physical environment and biological environment. Physical environment covers land, water and air. Biological environment includes plants, animals and other organisms. Both physical and biological environment are inter-dependent. Industrialization, urbanization, explosion of population, over-exploitation of […]

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Trading Environment of International Trade

Trading Environment of International Trade The environment of International trade is regarded as the sum total of all the external forces working upon the firm as it goes about its affairs in foreign and domestic markets.The environment can be classified in terms of domestic,foreign and international spheres of impact.The domestic environment is familiar to managers […]

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