

There are different types of questions based on Synonyms which are asked in exams.
a) A question word is given followed by 4 or 5 options and the students have to pick the word which is closest in meaning to the question word.
b) Instead of a word, a foreign phrase is given and the student has to identify the correct meaning
c) A complete sentence is given and one word is underlined. The students are asked to find the correct meaning of the underlined word.
d) The meaning of the word is given in the question. The word which means the same as the sentence given is to be identified.
List of Synonyms : 

  1. Abase – humiliate, belittle, demean, lower, degrade, disgrace, disparage
  2. Abash – embarrassed, ashamed, shameful, remorseful, humiliated
  3. Abate – Subside, decline, recede, slacken, fade, recede
  4. Abnegate – renounce, reject, abandon, spurn, abdicate
  5. Abortive – failed, vain, futile, inefficacious, fruitless
  6. Accord – give, vouchsafe, award, treaty, agreement
  7. Acrimony – bitterness, rancor, ill feeling, animosity, antagonism, hostility
  8. Altruistic – unselfish, selfless, considerate, kind
  9. Adulation – admiration, respect, veneration, adoration, exaltation
  10. Affable – amiable, cordial, pleasant, benign, benevolent, courteous
  11. Annihilate – destroy, obliterate, exterminate, slaughter, eliminate, eradicate, extinguish, extirpate
  12. Appurtenance – equipment, belongings, stuff
  13. Awful —dreadful, terrible, abominable, bad, poor, unpleasant
  14. Balustrade – railing, guardrail
  15. Bedlam – uproar, mayhem, riot, confusion, unrest, upheaval
  16. Belie – contradict, disprove, controvert
  17. Belittle – disparage, deprecate, depreciate, trivialize, underrate, downgrade
  18. Brave— courageous, fearless, dauntless, intrepid, plucky, daring, heroic, valorous, audacious, bold, gallant, valiant, doughty, mettlesome
  19. Calm— quiet, peaceful, still, tranquil, mild, serene, smooth, composed, collected, unruffled, level-headed, unexcited, detached, aloof
  20. Censure – criticism, attack, abuse, rebuke
  21. Chagrin – annoyance, irritation, wrath, fury, rage, anger, displeasure
  22. Complacency – self- satisfaction, self- approval
  23. Contrite – remorseful, repentant, penitent, sorry
  24. Copious – plentiful, ample, full, abundant
  25. Crooked— bent, twisted, curved, hooked, zigzag
  26. Cumbersome – clumsy, large, burdensome, awkward, bulky
  27. Dangerous —perilous, hazardous, risky, uncertain, unsafe
  28. Dark —shadowy, unlit, murky, gloomy, dim, dusky, shaded, sunless, black, dismal, sad
  29. Defiant – resistant, obstinate, uncooperative
  30. Deride – redicule, mock
  31. Despot – autocrat, dictator, tyrant
  32. Douse – drench, saturate, drown, inundate, soak
  33. Dregs – sediment, deposit, residue
  34. Ecstatic – joyous, blissful, beatific, euphoric, rapturous
  35. Embargo – ban, prohibition, stoppage, restraint, blockage, impediment
  36. Enervate – fatigue, exhaust, tire
  37. Epitome – summary , personification, abstract
  38. Evasive – vague, ambiguous, equivocal, inexplicit, indeterminate
  39. Extol – acclaim, praise
  40. Famished – unfed, ravenous, undernourished, malnourished
  41. Feral – wild, untrained, fierce
  42. Flabbergasted – amaze, surprise, startle, astonish
  43. Foment – instigate, incite, provoke, agitate, excite
  44. Frail – infirm, weak, feeble
  45. Frangible – frail, fragile, weak
  46. Frivolous – silly, foolish, waggish
  47. Furtive – secret, hidden
  48. Gloomy – dark, sunless, dejected, low-spirited, sad
  49. Glum – Gloomy, dejected, depressed
  50. Gracious – courteous, chivalrous, well mannered
  51. Grievous – serious, bad, critical, dreadful
  52. Grotesque – ugly, abnormal, strange, odd
  53. Grumble – complain, moan, mutter, whine, quibble
  54. Grungy – dirty, filthy, scruffy
  55. Hate— despise, loathe, detest, abhor, disfavor, dislike, disapprove, abominate
  56. Haughty – proud, arrogant, pompous
  57. Huckster – seller, trader, vendor, hawker
  58. Hurry— rush, run, speed, race, hasten, urge, accelerate, bustle
  59. Idiosyncrasy – eccentricity, quirk, whim, peculiarity
  60. Indulgent – permissive, easy going, liberal, broad minded, kindly
  61. Innocuous – harmless, safe
  62. Insatiable – greedy, hungry, unquenchable
  63. Intrepid – fearless, unafraid, undaunted, unflinching
  64. Lachrymose – tearful, crying, tragic
  65. Meager – inadequate, limited, pitiful, lean, small
  66. Meticulous – careful, diligent, accurate
  67. Mischievous— prankish, playful, naughty, roguish, waggish, impish
  68. Morbid – unhealthy, macabre, ghoulish, grisly, grotesque
  69. Murky – dark, gloomy, dim, dull, grey, cloudy, foggy, misty, opaque
  70. Oasis – spring, refuge, shelter
  71. Obliging – helpful, accommodating, willing, complaisant
  72. Paltry – small, meager, worthless
  73. Plebeian– commoner, humble, common, low ranking
  74. Predicament— quandary, dilemma, pickle, problem, plight, spot, scrape, jam
  75. Prognostication – prediction, prophecy, forecast
  76. Quixotic – Idealistic, perfectionist, unrealistic, visionary
  77. Rancour – bitterness, hate, resentment, malice, malevolence
  78. Retrospect – reappraisal, reconsideration, reexamination
  79. Simulate – imitate, pretend, replicate, duplicate, mimic, reproduce, counterfeit
  80. Smoulder – smoke, burn, glow
  81. Solicitous – concerned, attentive, considerate
  82. Squeak – peep, cheep, squeal, tweet
  83. Stalwart – staunch, committed, loyal, devoted, dedicated, trusty
  84. Trenchant – incisive, cutting, piercing, penetrating
  85. Transience – brevity, instability
  86. Tyrant – dictator, autocrat
  87. Vicarious – indirect, derivative, secondary
  88. Vivacious – lively, spirited, bright
  89. Vociferous – vocal, outspoken, eager, direct
  90. Wry – ironic, sardonic, mocking, satirical, humorous
  91. Déjà vu – a feeling of having seen or done it earlier
  92. Démodé – out of fashion
  93. Faux pas – a blunder
  94. Idee fixe – an obsession
  95. Hors de combat – out of action
  96. Ennui – boredom
  97. En route – along the way
  98. De trop – unwanted
  99. Kaiser – emperor
  100. Ciao – hello/goodbye
  101. Prima donna – leading female performer
  102. Gratis – free of charge
  103. In toto – entirely
  104. Prima facie  – at first sight
  105. Ex gratia – as a favour
  106. Et al – and others
  107. Viz – namely
  108. Terra firma – dry land
  109. Sub rosa – privately
  110. Kaput – useless


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