Higher Education System MCQs (UGC NET paper 1 FREE Updated Notes 2020)

131. The sanctioned strength   of the  Supreme Court of India is
Ans. d
132. Which of the following is not a Union Territory?
(a)  Lakshadweep
(b)  Delhi
(c ) Maniour
(d)  Aman & Diu
Ans. c
133. Article 370 of the Indian Constitution deals  with
(a)  The Emergency Powers of the President
(b)   The  special   position   of  the  State  of Jammu  and Kashmir
(c ) The power  to seek the advisory  opinion of the Supreme  Court  on any matter  of public  importance
(d)  Distribution   of taxes between  the Centre and the States
Ans. b
134. A Judge of the Supreme Court of India can be removed  from office’
(a)  By the President  of India .according  to his sweet will
(b)   By the Prime Minister  of India
(c)  By the Chief Justice of India
(d)  By the President on an address  by each House  of Parliament  and supported  by a majority of the total membership of that house and by a majority of not less than 2/3   of  the  members    of  that   House present  and voting.
Ans. d
135. The vacancy in the office of the President must be filled within ‘
(a)  1 year
(b)   6 months
(c)  4 months
(d)  3 months
Ans. b
136. The Vice-President of India is elected by
(a)  The same electoral college which elects the President  of India
(b)   The Rajya Sabha
(c)  The Lok Sabha
(d)  By an electoral college consisting  of the members  of both Houses  of Parliament
Ans. d
137. When the two, Houses  of Parliament  differ regarding      a Bill then  the  deadlock   is re- solved by
(a)  A joint  sitting of the two Houses
(b)   President  of India
(c)  Prime Minister of India
(d)  By a special  committee  formed  for the purpose
Ans. a
138. The maximum duration between  two sessions  of the Indian  Parliament   should  not be more than
(a)  3 months
(b)   6 months
(c)  9 months
(d)  one year
Ans. b
139. The maximum strength of the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha is
(a)  525 and 25.0respectively
(b)   550 and  250
(c)  535 and  275
(d)  500 and  250
Ans. b
140. The Comptroller and  Auditor   General  of India is appointed  by the
(a)   Prime Minister  of India
(b)   President  of India
(c)    Finance  Minister
(d)  Lok Sabha
Ans. b

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