Research Aptitude Free MCQs/Practice Questions – UGC NET Paper 1

241. Which of the following is/are source(s) of primary data?
a. Observation
b. Interview and survey
c. Journals
d. Both (a) and (b)

Ans. d

242. If the alternate hypothesis is true, but it has been rejected, this will be considered as
a. Good decision
b. Type I error
c. Type II error
d. Nothing can be said

Ans. c

243. Consider the following:
(i) Honesty
(ii) Integrity
(iii) Confidentiality
(iv) Subjectivity
Which of the above belong to research ethics and should be adhered?
a. (i) and (iii)
b. (ii) and (iv)
c. (i), (ii) and (iii)
d. (i), (ii) , (iii) and (iv)

Ans. c

244. The difficulty/difficulties faced in arranging workshop is/are:
a. Research material is to be provided.
b. It is time-consuming.
c. Adequate resources should be arranged so that all participants can practice and learn the skill
d. All of the above.

Ans. d

245. If a study involves use of both quantitative and qualitative techniques, then it will be known as
a. Action research
b. Experimental research
c. Exploratory research
d. Mixed research

Ans. d

246. In every field, research pursuits promote systematic and gradual advancement of knowledge but discoveries are rare because
a. Research is a continuous critical investigation.
b. It is not common to be able to think beyond a grooved channel.
c. Sustained experimental work needed for discovery is not easily forthcoming.
d. Most people lack the depth of knowledge needed for it.

Ans. d

247. The quality of research is judged by the
a. Relevance of research
b. Methodology adopted in conducting the research
c. Depth of research
d. Experience of research

Ans. b

248. Which of the following statements is not correct?
a. A researcher is expected to be a well-read person.
b. One research gives birth to another research.
c. All researchers contribute to existing knowledge.
d. A good researcher is a nice person.

Ans. d

249. Sine quo non (essential elements) of good research is
a. A well-formulated hypothesis
b. A good research supervisor
c. Adequate library
d. A well-formulated problem

Ans. a

250. The objective of research can be written in
a. Only question form
b. Only statement form
c. Both question and statement form
d. Hypothetical form

Ans. b

251. For a proposition to be true, it should have the fol¬lowing characteristics except
a. It must be objective.
b. It must be in tune with accepted belief.
c. It must be consistent.
d. It must be testable.

Ans. b

252. Objectivity in research implies
a. Exact judgement of truth
b. Findings consistent with reality
c. Inter-research argument
d. Methodological sophistication

Ans. a

253. An important characteristic of research is reliability, which also indicates
a. Superiority
b. Verifiability
c. Quality of data
d. Validity

Ans. d

254. The purpose of literature review is
a. To familiarize researchers with work already completed and information already available about a topic
b. To communicate scope of further research
c. To help researcher in choosing unknown areas he/she will explore
d. All of the above

Ans. d

255. Which of the following is/are advantages of study¬ing the sample instead of whole population?
a. It saves time.
b. It saves money.
c. Both (a) and (b).
d. Neither (a) nor (b).

Ans. c

256. What is the purpose of writing research paper?
a. To show off research skills
b. To gain popularity
c. To communicate research findings
d. To get promotions

Ans. c

257. Which of the following research types focuses on ameliorating the prevailing situations?
a. Fundamental research
b. Applied research
c. Action research
d. Experimental research

Ans. c

258. Which of the following is susceptible to the issue of research ethics?
a. Inaccurate application of statistical techniques
b. Faulty research design
c. Choice of sampling techniques
d. Reporting of research findings

Ans. d

259. In finalizing a thesis writing format which of the following would form part of supplementary pages?
a. List of tables and figures
b. Table of contents
c. Conclusions of the study
d. Bibliography and appendices

Ans. d

260. In which of the following arrangements a wider spectrum of ideas and issues may be made possible?
a. Research article
b. Workshop mode
c. Conference
d. Symposium

Ans. c

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