Communication MCQs/Practice Questions (UGC NET Updated 2020 Notes)

61. The Conditional Access System (CAS) allows the viewers to
(a) select TV channels of their choice.
(b) interact with TV channels through the set-up boxes.
(c) cut down the costs of television viewing.
(d) None of these
Ans. a
62. Communication needs a
(a) Sender
(b) Receiver
(c) Channel
(d) All of these
(e) Only b&c
Ans. d
63. Communication helps in
(a) Persuasion
(b) Entertainment
(c) Integration
(d) Cultural Promotion
(e) All of these
Ans: c
64. Intrapersonal communication is
(a) Person-to-person contact
(b) Talking to oneself
(c) When more than two persons are involved
(d) None of the above
Ans. b
65. Which of the communication has an emotional appeal ?
(a) Intrapersonal communication
(b) Interpersonal communication
(c) Group communication
(d) Mass communication
Ans. b
66. Audience and feedback are the two main components of
(a) Intrapersonal communication
(b) Interpersonal communication
(c) Mass communication
(d) None of these
Ans. c
67. “The reach of mass media is quite strong in India, but comparatively, the access to them is very weak.” This statement is
(a)Definitely true
(b)Probably true
(c)Definitely false
(d)Probably false
Ans. a
68. Speaker-speech-Audience are the elements of whose model of communication ?
(a) Claud Shannon
(b) Aristotle
(c) Harold Lasswell
(d) Wilbur Schramm
Ans. b
69. Who introduced the concept of noise in his model of communication ?
(a) Wilbur Schramm
(b) George Gerbner
(c) Charles E. Osgood
(d) Claud Shannon & Warren Weaves
Ans. d
70. Which .model refers to ‘Gatekeeper’ concept ?
(a) Theodore Newcomb’s
(b) Shannon & Weaver’s
(c) Bruce Westley & Maclean’s
Ans. c
71. When was the television service at the Delhi Kendra inaugurated ?
(a) Sept. 20,1958
(b) Sep. 15,1959
(c) Aug. 15,1959
(d) Nov. 15, 1958
Ans. b
72. In how many states was the SITE (Satellite Instructional Television Experiment) programmes launched ?
(a) 3
(b) 4
(c) 3
(d) 6
Ans. d
73. When was the first English newspaper, “Bengal Gazette published” ?
(a) 1770 A.D.
(b) 1780 A.D.
(c) 1790 A.D.
(d) 1795 A.D.
Ans. b
74. Who is known as the father of Indian language journalism in India ?
(a) Raja Ram Mohan Roy
(b) Bhupendra Nath Dutta
(c) Vivekananda
(d) V.D.Savarkar
Ans. a
75. Microphone is a hi-fi instrument. Here ‘fi’ means
(a) finish
(b) final
(c) fidelity
(d) finical
Ans. c
76. Which of these is a characteristic of radio ?
(a) A medium of sound
(b) A mass medium
(c) An intimate medium
(d) All of these
Ans. d
77. Which of these is not a characteristic of TV?
(a) A democratic Tedium
(b) A mobile medium
(c) A living room medium
(d) A medium of immediacy
Ans. b
78. …………….. is the supreme medium to express yesterday, today, and tomorrow with its own unique language. What should be filled in the blank ?
(a) Cinema
(b) Radio
(c) Newspaper
(d) Television
Ans. a
79. Large and highly diverse groups that represent the broad cross-section of the society form the audience.
(a) Elite
(b) General
(c) Specialised
(d) None of these
Ans. b
80. Dyadic communication is the transfer of messages from a person
(a) to another person and vice versa
(b) to a group of persons.
(c) to amass audience
(d) None of these
Ans. a

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