Teaching Aptitude MCQs/Practice Questions

Ans (d)

232. If a student does not agree with your viewpoint, then you should
(a) Send him out of the class
(b) Be rude with him
(c) Justify your viewpoint rationally
(d) None of these

Ans (c)

233. Which of the following are levels of teaching?
(i) Andragogical level of teaching
(ii) Memory level of teaching
(iii) Reflective level of teaching
(iv) Pedagogical level of teaching
(v) Understanding level of teaching Codes:
(a) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
(b) (ii), (iii), (iv), (v)
(c) (i), (iii), (iv)
(d) (ii), (iii), (v)

Ans (d)

234. Which of the following domains is related with physical and technical skills?
(a) Psychomotor domain
(b) Cognitive domain
(c) Learning domain
(d) Affective domain

Ans (a)

235. You have caught some students resorting to mal­practices in examination, what would you do now?
(a) Stay silent and let them continue practicing it.
(b) Ask them for money or gift to let them con­tinue.
(c) Discuss the matter with fellow teachers and take strict action accordingly.
(d) Take away their sheets and don’t let them sit in the examination.

Ans (d)

236. What should you do if students ask you ques­tions during class which are not related to your subject?
(a) Answer them
(b) Ignore them
(c) Tell them to ask someone else
(d) Answer them after class

Ans (d)

237. There is more indiscipline in class if
(a) Number of students is large.
(b) Teacher is not able to capture interest of stu­dents.
(c) Students have completed the work before time.
(d) All of the above.

Ans (d)

238. Which of the following is not true about nature of teaching?
(a) It is a science as well as an art.
(b) It is static.
(c) It is continuous.
(d) It is diverse.

Ans (b)

239. There is shift in teaching paradigm from ___________ to_____________
(a) Learner-centered, Teacher-centered
(b) Teacher-centered, Group-centered
(c) Group-centered, Learner-centered
(d) Teacher-centered, Learner-centered

Ans (d)

240. Which of the following domain is related with intellectual skills?
(a) Cognitive domain
(b) Psychomotor domain
(c) Affective domain
(d) Learning domain

Ans (a)

241. Consider the statements:
(i) There is no difference between teaching and learning.
(ii) Teaching is different from instruction.
Which of the above statement(s) is/are not correct?
(a) Only (i)
(b) Only (ii)
(c) Both (i) and (ii)
(d) Neither (i) nor (ii)

Ans (a)

242. Who has the least chance of becoming an effective teacher?
(a) One who is a strict disciplinarian
(b) One who knows his subject well
(c) One who has no interest in teaching
(d) One who teaches moral values

Ans (c)

243. Consider the following:
(i) From abstract to concrete
(ii) From complex to simple
(iii) From particular to general
(iv) From unknown to known
(v) From analysis to synthesis
Which of the above are maxims of teaching?
(a) (ii), (iii), and (v)
(b) (iii), (iv), and (v)
(c) (i) and (v)
(d) (iii) and (v)

Ans (d)

244. In classes with large number of students, teachers face difficulty in
(a) Paying individual attention to students
(b) Understanding learning problems faced by students
(c) Bringing flexibility in teaching
(d) All of the above

Ans (d)

245. Which of the following statements is not correct?
(a) A good communicator cannot be a good teacher.
(b) A good communicator has a good sense of humour.
(c) A good communicator has wide reading knowledge.
(d) A good communicator has command over lan­guage.

Ans (a)

246. How can social and moral values be inculcated in students?
(a) Through TV programmes, movies, and videos
(b) Through inspirational speech, lectures, and seminars on values
(c) By involving them in extracurricular activities
(d) By harsh punishments for wrong behavior

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