Social correspondence

Social correspondence   Letters are written to fulfil social obligations or to meet personal needs which may not be directly related to our official or professional activities. Some letters of this kind are letters of congratulations, invitations, introductions, recommendations, condolences, letters conveying acceptances and regrets,and letter making hotel reservations and booking by air,retail etc. Tough the format […]

Claim & Adjustment letters

Claim & Adjustment letters   Claim Letter A “Claim or complaint letter” is written to the concerned company,to bring the mistake or damage done,to the notice of the supplier or provider, and to ask for rectification and/or compensation. Purpose: To express dissatisfaction and propose an equitable adjustments or solution. A claim letter should generally contain […]

Inviting tenders

Inviting tenders   Tender is an invitation from the owner to the contractor to execute some work at specified cost in specified time.It is published in the form  of tender notice in news papers,notice boards etc. according to the cost of works. Inviting tenders is one of the most important constituent of business correspondence followed […]

Placing orders

Placing Orders   After selecting the best seller through the comparative statement,a buyer moves on the next step namely to buy the product.An order is to be placed with selected seller.A letter containing the order is prepared and sent to the seller.For doing so,the following points should be kept in mind: The order should be […]

Business communication

Business communication Correspondence means communication by letters. In other words correspondence is communication in writing between two persons on matter of personal, official, and  business interest. Business correspondence is the exchange of information in a written format for the process of business activities. Business correspondence can take place between organizations, within organizations or between the customers and […]

Business Letter-Principles,Nature,Functions,Essential Qualities,Elements of Structure,Forms of Layout,Style of Presentation

Business Letter   It is a letter written in  formal language,used when writing from one e-business organization to another,or for correspondence between such organizations and their customers,clients and other external parties. They are used for different purposes like placing orders,making inquiries,making credit request,requesting claims and adjustment,to apologize for wrong or simply to convey goodwill etc. Style […]

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