The Central Trade Unions

The Central Trade Unions Local, firm-level or industry-level trade unions are often affiliated to larger Federations. The largest Federations in the country represent labour at the National level and are known as Central Trade Union Organizations (CTU or CTUO). To acquire status as a CTUO, a trade union federation must have a verified membership of at […]

Trade Union Movement in India

Trade Union Movement in India The growth and development of the labour movement, and for that part of the trade unions, in India, can be divided into following periods, each of them revealing different tendencies that mark it from others. 1. Social Welfare Period, from 1875 to 1918 The first period starts from 1875 and […]

Theories of Group Formation

Theories of Group Formation Propinquity Theory The term propinquity means nearness. The theory states that individuals affiliate with one another because of spatial or geographical proximity. Thus in organizational context, individuals working together tend to form a group with others more easily as compared to with individuals working relatively at a distant place. This theory […]

Group Cohesiveness

Group Cohesiveness Group cohesiveness means the degree of attachment of the members or their groups. If group cohesion is high,the interaction between members of the group is high and the degree of agreement in group opinion. Members of a cohesive group tend to have the following characteristics: They have collective identity They share the group […]

Code of Discipline

Code of discipline In India, the problem of industrial discipline was debated by the Indian Labour Conference held in 1957. The Conference noted the alarming record of breach of discipline by employers and employees. A sub-committee was appointed to draft a model Code of Discipline which would be acceptable to all. A Code of Discipline […]

Worker’s Participation in Management

Worker’s Participation in Management Meaning The concept of Worker’s Participation in Management is considered as a mechanism where workers have a say in the decision making process of an enterprise. This term is interpreted in many ways by various parties to industrial relations, namely workers, management and government. Managers generally interpret it merely joint consultation […]

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