

A pronoun is a word that stands for a Noun.Words like “which”,”he”,”her”’ and “it”  are Pronouns.
Pronouns prevent the necessity of having to repeat the Nouns too often.
For example-

  • Ronald had a camera. He took some beautiful pictures.


             Types of Pronouns

  1. Personal Pronouns
  2. Possessive Pronouns
  3. Reflexive Pronouns
  4. Demonstrative Pronouns
  5. Indefinite Pronouns
  6. Distributive Pronouns
  7. Reciprocal Pronouns
  8. Interrogative Pronouns
  9. Relative Pronouns


  1. Personal Pronouns

These nouns are associated with a certain person, thing, or group. Personal pronoun describes the person speaking (I, me, we, us), the person spoken to (you), or the person or thing spoken about (he, she, it, they, him, her, them).

Each pronoun can be placed in one of three persons.


Singular Plural

First Person

I We
Second Person You


Third Person He, She, It



Forms of Pronouns (Cases)


Nominative case      


Accusative case  





My                           Mine


Us Our                          Ours


You Your                       Yours
He Him

His                              His



Her                            Hers


It Its                               Its
They Them

Their                       Theirs

Note* The forms my, our, your, his, her, its and there are determiners. They can also be used as possessive adjectives.

  1. Possessive Pronouns

Possessive Pronoun indicates possession or ownership or relationship of a thing/person to another thing/person.
For example – Yours, mine, his, hers, ours, theirs, hers
This book is his.
These bangles are mine.


Singular Plural

First Person

Mine Ours
Second Person Yours


Third Person Here, his, its



  1. Reflexive Pronouns

Reflexive Pronouns are those which are used to indicate a noun which has been used in an earlier part of the same sentence. These are the ones that end in “self” or “selves”.
For Example – Myself, Themselves, Yourself, Ourselves, Herself, Himself, Itself.
Ritesh was going to take the car to the mechanic but ended up fixing it herself.
I must blame myself for this.
     4. Demonstrative
Demonstrative pronoun is a pronoun that points to a thing to things.
For Example – This, that, these, those.
That is a beautiful place.
This is our new passport.
     5. Indefinite Pronoun
Indefinite Pronouns are those referring to one or more unspecified objects, beings, or places.
For Example – Anyone, someone, none, nobody, everything, many, few.
If anyone has seen my book please return it to me.
Somebody stole my wallet.
         6. Distributive Pronoun
These pronouns denotes persons or things of group separately rather that collectively.
For Example – Either, Neither, Each, Any, None
Either of these students can be selected for the next round of dance competition.
Each of these players deserves a prize.
     7. Reciprocal Pronoun
Reciprocal nouns are those expressing mutual actions or relationship. These pronouns are found in pairs.
For Example – Each other, one another.
Nancy and Shreya are talking to each other.
The people helped one another in hospital.
       8. Interrogative Pronouns
Interrogative pronouns are used to ask questions about person or object.
For Example – Which, what, who, whom, whoever, whichever
Who is the Prime Minister of India?
Whom did you borrow this shirt from?
      9. Relative Pronouns
Relative Pronouns are used to join or relate two different clauses together by referring to the noun in the previous clause using the pronouns.
For Example – Who, whom, whose, which,whomever,whichever and that.
The gentleman who is speaking is my brother.
I’ll find out which one is correct.

Rules related to use of Pronouns

  1. While confessing a fault (or expressing a negative idea) the sequence of the personal pronouns should be as follows :


I, you and he are in the wrong and will be punished.

I, you and he have committed the sin.

  1. While expressing a positive idea or praise, the sequence should be as follows:


You, he and I will get an award for increasing the sales of the product by 75% this month.


  1. When two singular nouns are joined by “and”, refer to the same person, the pronoun used in their place should be singular in form. The definite article the is placed before first noun.


The accounts officer and inspector should be careful in his work of keeping accounts.

  1. A singular pronoun should be used when two singular nouns are joined by either or /neither nor.


Either Karishma or Kareena should do her duty.


  1. The personal pronouns like yours, ours, hers, theirs and its are written without the apostrophe. (‘)


Your’s sincerely (wrong)

Yours sincerely (right)

  1. One can be used to talk about people in general, the pronoun that follows one should be one’s not his or her.


One should always do one’s best.

One must not be proud of oneself.

Click on the link below to practice exercises on Pronouns

Exercise based on pronouns

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