
  1. Sabbatical – a period of paid leave granted to a university teacher for study or travel
  2. Sacrilege – sin, violation of anything sacred
  3. Sacrosanct – sacred, too important or valuable to be interfered with (a principle, place or routine)
  4. Sadistic –inclined to cruelty
  5. Sagacious – wise, clever, intelligent
  6. Salacious – having or conveying undue or indecent interest in sexual matters
  7. Salubrious – healthful, pleasant
  8. Sallow – yellowish, sickly in color
  9. Sally – Witty remarks
  10. Salvage – rescue from loss
  11. Sanctimonious – hypocritical, superior
  12. Sanguinary – bloodthirsty, murderous
  13. Sanguine – cheerful, hopeful
  14. Sardonic – satirical, sarcastic, mocking
  15. Sartorial – relating to style of dress or tailoring
  16. Saturnine – gloomy, sad
  17. Savant – scholar
  18. Savory – having pleasant taste or smell, morally respectable, inoffensive, salty or pungent to taste but not sweet
  19. Scads – a large number or amount
  20. Schism – division, split
  21. Scintilla – a minute amount
  22. Scotch – ruin, destroy
  23. Scourge – whip used for punishment, a person or thing that causes great trouble or suffering
  24. Seamy – disreputable, corrupt, shameful
  25. Sedentary – sitting, desk bound, inactive, still
  26. Seedy – unwell, disreputable
  27. Seethe – boil, rage, rise
  28. Semblance – appearance, resemblance, similarity
  29. Seminal – influential, creative, relating to or denoting semen
  30. Sepulcher – a small room or monument cut in rock or built of stone in which a dead person is laid or buried
  31. Servile – slavish, having an excessive willingness to serve or please others
  32. Shackle – a pair of fetters connected together by chain used to fasten a prisoner’s wrists or ankles together
  33. Sham – to pretend
  34. Shambles – chaos, confusion, a butcher’s slaughterhouse
  35. Shoddy – not genuine, inferior
  36. Shrew – a small mouse like mammal, a bad tempered woman
  37. Sinecure – an office or position that requires little o no work and that usually provides an income
  38. Skinflint – miser, a thrifty person, a person who spends little money
  39. Skirmish – small or unplanned quarrel
  40. Skullduggery – dishonest behavior
  41. Skulk – to hide or conceal out of fear. To move in stealthy manner
  42. Slacken – slow up, loosen
  43. Slake – quench or satisfy one’s thirst
  44. Slapdash – haphazard, careless
  45. Sleazy – corrupt, immoral
  46. Sleight – cunning, clever, deceptive
  47. Slither – slip, slide
  48. Sloth – slow moving
  49. Slough – soft muddy ground, skin shed by reptile or amphibian, lack or progress or activity
  50. Snicker – to laugh in a half suppressed or disrespectful
  51. Sodden – soaking, saturated
  52. Solace – comfort in trouble
  53. Sonorous – deep sound, impressive speech
  54. Sophistry – a fallacious argument
  55. Sophomoric – immature
  56. Soporific – sleep causing
  57. Spangle – small metallic piece
  58. Spat – minor dispute
  59. Spate – sudden flood
  60. Splice – fasten together, unite
  61. Sporadic – occurring irregularly, periodic
  62. Spruce – neat and trim
  63. Spry – lively, active
  64. Spurn – refuse, decline
  65. Squander – waste
  66. Staccato –in terms of music short and not sounding connected
  67. Stalwart – loyal, reliable, hard working
  68. Stentorian – Extremely loud
  69. Stickler – a person who insists on a certain quality or type of behaviour
  70. Stockade – wooden enclosure used for barrier
  71. Stricture – critical comments
  72. Strut – to walk in a proud way, a rod forming a part of framework and designed to resist compression
  73. Stultify – hamper, frustrate, suppress
  74. Stymie – hinder the progress, block
  75. Subdue – less intense- quieter
  76. Subjugate – conquer, bring under control
  77. Sublime – supreme, noble, (of a solid substance) change directly into vapour when heated
  78. Subpoena – summon, writ
  79. Subsume – include
  80. Subterfuge – Evasion
  81. Subvert – destroy
  82. Succor – Aid, assist
  83. Suffuse – spread over
  84. Sully – make dirty
  85. Sunder – split apart
  86. Supercilious – arrogant
  87. Sultry – hot
  88. Swelter – hot and humid atmosphere
  89. Superannuated – retired or disqualified because of age
  90. Supersede – replace, make obsolete
  91. Supine – lazy, lying on back
  92. Supple – flexible
  93. Supplicate – Pray to grant a favor
  94. Surfeit –excess, surplus
  95. Surly – rude
  96. Surmise – suspect, guess
  97. Sustenance – means of support
  98. Swarthy – dark, dusky
  99. Swathe – a row of line of grass
  100. Swerve – change or cause to change direction abruptly
  101. Swill – wash , rinse, drink in large quantities
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