
II. Past Tense


  1. Past Indefinite or Simple Past Tense

The Simple Past tense is used to describe an action, an event or condition that occurred in the past.
For Example
I went to Bangalore last week.
He lived in Mumbai for 5 years.
It is used to denote the following :
i. When past showing time (yesterday, ago, last etc. ) is given in the sentences .
I went to meet my cousin last week.
ii. To express a past action or event.
Babar founded the Mughal Empire in India.
iii. To express a habit or custom in the past.
We used to live in Mumbai when I was a kid.
iv. To express an action going on at the time stated
She was eating pizza when I went to her house.



Affirmative sentence

In this tense second form of verb is used .The verb remains the same whatever is number of person or subject is.
They played at Wankhede stadium.
I ate fast food for dinner.
She danced well.

Negative Sentences

“Did not” is added to the verb and first form of verb is used.
He did not like to go to school when he was younger.
They did not speak out.

Interrogative Sentence

The subject is placed between ‘did’ and the ‘verb’. First form of verb is used.
Did you hide you hide a book in my closet?
Did she say anything?

2. Past Continuous

The past continuous describes actions or events which began in the past and is continuing in past.
For Example
He was playing football.
I was walking to the station when I saw Mr. Peter.



  • Was is used with I, he , she, it or singular noun
  • Were is used with we, you, they or plural noun

Affirmative Sentence

Subject + was/were + 1st form of verb (verb + ing)  +Object
We were dancing in rain.
I was writing a letter.

Negative Sentence

Subject + was/were+ not + 1st form of verb (verb +  ing)  + object
We were not eating  junk food.
He was not studying.

Interrogative Sentence

Was/were + subject + 1st form of verb ( verb +  ing) + Object?
Was I eating?
Were they dancing?

3. Past Perfect Tense

The past perfect tense is used to emphasize that an action was completed before another took place.
The past perfect tense is most often used for the following:

  • For actions that happened before a past event.
  • In reported speech
  • In if (conditional) sentences

For Example
When I got home yesterday, my father had already cooked dinner.
Nancy said that he had never eaten Indian food before.
She wouldn’t have been able to finish, if you hadn’t helped her.



Affirmative Sentence

Subject + had + 3rd form of verb + object.
I had taken the exam last year.
She had called the police before I investigated the noise.

Negative Sentence

Subject + had not + 3rd from of verb + object
They had not arrived till 9 p.m.

Interrogative Sentence

Had + subject + 3rd form of verb + object?
Had they arrived?
Hadn’t she finished?

4. Past perfect continuous

It is used to express a continued or an ongoing action that started in past and continued until sometime in past.
For Example
I had been waiting there for more than two hours.
Had you been studying for more than two years?


Affirmative Sentence

Subject + had been + 1st form of verb (verb + ing)  + object + time reference
She had been playing badminton since 6 p.m.

Negative Sentence

Subject + had not been + 1st form of verb (verb + ing)  + object + time reference
She had not been studying since morning.

Interrogative Sentence

Had + Subject + been + 1st form of verb (verb +ing) + object + time reference
Had you been waiting for more than 2 hours?
How long had you been watching T.V?

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