
  1. Wary – very cautious
  2. Waylay – to wait for and then stop someone, especially either to attack or talk to that person
  3. Welt – a strip as or leather or other material, stitched into a shoe between the sole and the upper
  4. Wily – cunning, crafty
  5. Wince – shrink back
  6. Windfall – sudden gain
  7. Winsome –appealing, charming, attractive
  8. Wither – diminish, fade, to become dry (of a plant)
  9. Wizened – wrinkled with age
  10. Woe – misery, sorrow, distress
  11. Wrangle –dispute, quarrel
  12. Wrath – anger, fury
  13. Wretched – in very unhappy and unfortunate state (of a person)
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