ICT Glossary – Some Important Terms Related To ICT


1. MAPI (Messaging and Application Programs Interface)

Messaging Application Programming Interface (MAPI) is a messaging architecture and a Component Object Model based API for Microsoft Windows. MAPI allows client programs to become (e-mail) messaging-enabled, -aware, or -based by calling MAPI subsystem routines that interface with certain messaging servers.

2. MIME (Multiuse Internet Mail Extension )

Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) is an internet standard that extends the format of email to support:

  • Text in character set other than ASCII
  • Non-text attachments: audio, video, images, application programs etc.
  • Message bodies with multiple parts
  • Header information in non-ASCII character sets

Virtually all human-written Internet email and a fairly large proportion of automated email is transmitted via SMTP in MIME format.

3. MIS (Management Information     System)

An organized collection   of   people,   procedures,    and   devices   used  to provide   the  right  information   to  the  right  person  at  the right time for proper  decision-making.

4. MICR (Magnetic Ink    Character       Recognition)

A technology   used by banking  industry  for faster  processing of large volume  of cheques.   This  technology  also ensures accuracy  of  data  entry,  because   most  information   on the cheque  is pre-printed  and fed to the computer  directly.

5. MIS (Management Information     System)

An organized collection   of   people,   procedures,    and   devices   used  to provide   the  right  information   to  the  right  person  at  the right time for proper  decision-making.

5. MSI (Medium Scale  Integration)

A circuit  with  about 100 transistors  fabricated  on a single chip.

6. MAR (Memory Address   Register)    A register  that holds address  of the  active  memory  location  and -is loaded  from program  control  register  when  an instruction   is read  from memory.

7. MBR (Memory Buffer   Register)

A register  that  holds contents   of  the  memory   word  read  from,  or  written   in, memory.

8. Memory dump

Contents    of   memory   duplicated    on another  storage  device or printed  on a printer.


Millions  of Instructions  Per Second.

10. MTNL

Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited


There  are  several  organizations   such  as banks,  insurance  companies,   hospitals,  railways,  etc.,  that  need  on-line processing   of  large  number   of  transactions,    and  require   computer   systems   having   massive   data  storage   and processing    capabilities.    Mainframe   systems   are   computer   systems   that   are  mainly   used   for  handling   .data processing   needs  of  mid  to  large  size  organizations.    They  are  also  used  in  such  environments   where  a  large number  of users  need  to share a common  computing   facility  such  as in research  groups,  educational   institutions, engineering  firms, etc.

12. MCI (Multimedia Command Interface)

A method for controlling multimedia devices from within the Windows operating system.

13. MMX (Multimedia extensions)

A technology which is featured in a number of the latest processors designed mainly for multi media applications. To benefit form MMX the application running must have been written to take advantage of MMX technology.

14. MPEG (Moving Picture experts Group)

A standard used on the World Wide Web for video and audio files compression techniques are used which enables the files to be transmitted across the internet significance quicker than other audio and video files. The web browser you are using must be capable of running MPEG files.


1. NNTP (Network News Transport Protocol)

A protocol used mainly to run a bulletin board service used by Newsgroups worldwide.

2. Netscape (Netscape  Communications or Netscape  Navigator)

Netscape   is one  of the two  most  popular    Web browsers   and  also  the name  of a company,   Netscape Communications,       now   owned    by  America    Online   (AOL).  Currently,    almost   all  Internet    users   use either  Netscape’s    browser   or Microsoft’s    Internet Explorer     browser   and  many   users  use both. Although    Netscape    was  initially   the predominant     product   in terms  of usability   and  number   of users, Microsoft’s    browser    is now  considered     superior    by  many   users.   Netscapes     browser    originally    was called  “Navigator”     and  is still called  that  in the suite  of software,   Communicator,      of which   it is now  a part.  Navigator       was  developed   in 1995 by  a team  led  by Marc  Andreessen,     who  created   Mosaic,   the first  Web browser    that  had  a graphical    user  interface,   at the University    of Illinois   National    Center   for Supercomputing     Applications (NCSA), 1993.

3. Netiquette

Netiquette means an accepted behavior on the network during e-mail, Usenet or chat.

4. Null Modem

A cable that eliminates the need for a modem when transferring data between two computers located near each other.

ICT Glossary – Some Important Terms Related To ICT

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