Quality Circle

Quality Circle


Quality Circles
A quality circle is a small group of employees who meet periodically to identify, analyses and solve quality and other work related problems in their area. Generally speaking, members of a particular circle should be from the same work area, or who perform similar work so that the problems they select will be familiar to all of them. The ideal size of group is six to eight members.

A quality circle has been defined as a self-governing group of workers with or without their supervisors who voluntarily meet regularly to identify, analyze and solve problems of their work field.
Quality circle is a group of employees belonging to the same areas, who continuously work towards the improvement and the development of the organization.

Features of Quality Circles

1. It is a voluntary group of employees. Members join circle on their own. There is no pressure from management.
2. Size of a quality circle varies between six to ten. Members generally hail from a particular work area.
3. Members meet at periodic intervals to discuss quality related problems.
4. Each circle has its own agenda. It has its own terms of reference, selects its own problems and offers recommendations for solving them.
5. The quality circle, by its very nature, exists to identify, analyze and solve quality related problems.

1.To identify, analyze solve the quality work related problems.
2.To contribute to the improvement and development of the organization.
3.To develop, enhance and utilize human resource effectively.
4.To improve quality of products/services, productivity and reduce cost of production per unit of output.
5.To improve various supervisory skills like leadership, problem solving, inter-personnel and conflict resolution.
6.To utilize individual imaginative, creative and innovative skills through participation, creating and developing work interest, inculcating problem solving techniques etc.
7.To make everybody understand the contribution of job satisfaction, job involvement, career planning and other HR related policies in the total efficiency of the organization.

Quality Circle

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