Training and Development

Training and  Development

At the enterprise level, employee training and development are main areas of human resource development. The efficiency of an organisation depends directly on the capability and talent of its personnel, and how motivated they are. Capability of a person depends on his ability to work and the  type of training  he receives. While his personal capability is evaluated through proper selection procedure, his training is taken care of by the organisation after he has been employed by the organisation. After employee have been selected for various positions in an   organisation, training them   for those specific tasks to which they have been assigned assumes great importance.  It is true in many organisations that before an employee is fitted into a harmonious  working relationship  with other  employees, he is given adequate training. Training is the act of increasing the     knowledge and skills of an  employee for performing a particular job. The major outcome of training  is learning.  A trainee  learn  new habits, refined skills and useful knowledge during  the  training  that  helps him improve performance.  Training  enables an  employee to do his present job more efficiently and prepare himself for a higher level job.

Training, Education, Learning and Development


Training is  an  act  of  increasing knowledge, skill and  attitude of  an employee for improving his performance on the job.

Training   is concerned with imparting specific skill for doing particular job. For example, a clerk on typing. It is task-oriented activity. It is for job­ related purpose and short-term.


Education is   concerned  with   increasing  general   knowledge  and understanding  of  an  employee’s total  environment. Education is directed more towards the future of an individual .It prepares him for future challenges of life,shapes his career and grooms him for social responsibilities.


Learning is the process of accumulation of knowledge, skills and attitudes by whatever means. Learning   is a broad one which includes both training and education. Learning is observable modification of behaviour as a result of some experience. Learning may be through experience, reading, observation, discussions, electronic media including internet,  experimentation,  facing the new challenges, travel and exploration, etc.


Development  has a broader  meaning.  Its aim is to grow  or improve  the overall  personality  of an  individual.   It is continuous   process  and  is on  the initiative  from  individual.   Development  is  to  meet  an   individual’s   future needs.  Efforts  tow ards  development   often  depend   on  personal   drive  and ambition.   It   helps   individual’s    in   the   progress    towards    maturity    and actualisation  of  their  potential  capacities.  Development    is   whole   process   by   which   employee   learns, grows, improves  his  abilities   to  perform   variety   of  roles  within   and  outside   the organisation.  He  acquires  socially  desirable  attitudes and values.

Training and Development

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