ILO (International Labour Organisation)


The constitution of the ILO provides simple rules of procedures regarding admission or a State to the  membership of the ILO. It provides all those States which were members of the ILO on November, 1945 and any original member of the UN can become member of the ILO by accepting the obligations of its constitution. Other states can also become members of the ILO by a vote concurred by 2/3 of the delegates attending the session including 2/3 of the government delegates present and voting.

In 1945, the constitution of the ILO entered into a relationship with the United Nations. The new rules say that :

i. while membership of the UN does not mean membership of the ILO, any original member of the UN and any State subsequently admitted to membership of the UN may become a member of the ILO by communicating to the Director General, its formal acceptance of the obligations of the ILO

ii. if a State is not a member of the UN, the ILO confers on the ILC (Parliamentary wing of the ILO) the right to admit that state to membership, which it had assumed de facto during the period of the relationship of the ILO with the League.

There were 45 States who were members of the ILO in 1919. By 1973 the ILO’s membership had risen to 119.

Withdrawal of Membership

The Constitution of the ILO contains the specific right of the member state to withdraw by giving notice to the Director General of the ILO. Such notice will take 2 years after the date of its receipt by the Director General and is subject to the member having at that time fulfilled all its obligations.

Structure of ILO

The ILO consists of three principal organs namely

  1. The International Labour Conference
  2. A Governing body
  3. An International Labour Office

ILO (International Labour Organisation)

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