Vishwakarma Puja

Lord Vishwakarma

Lord Vishwakarma Puja

Lord Vishwakarma is the son of Brahma and is divine draftsman of whole universe, builder of all God’s palaces, designer of all flying chariots of Gods (like Pushpviman of Ravana) and all their weapons (including the weapon of Indra-Vajra). He is the builder of Heaven, Ravan’s Sone ki Lanka (The City of Gold), City of Dwarka and town of Hatinapur. Thus he is known as Devashilpi or the architect of Gods. He is worshiped by all artisans, architects and engineers as the presiding deity of their trade and craft.

Lord Vishwakarma has four hands, wears a crown, a necklace of gold, holds water pot, a book, a moose and craftsman’s tools in his hands.


Workers, engineers, architects, artisans and others pray for a better future, safe working conditions and success in their respective fields. Vishwakarma day is celebrated on the next day of Diwali along with Govardhan Pooja in the month of October and November. On this day Lord Vishwakarma blesses the machinery and equipment and the owners. Due to this very reason normally industires do not function on this day, shops remain close and it is a holiday for workers as well, Machines are allowed to rest on this day so that Lord Vishwakarma can bless them. Also Pooja is performed to thank Lord Vishwakarma for bestowing skills and talents on humans.
Pooja Vidhi
• Place a picture or idol of Lord Vishwakarma.
• The devotee is obliged to sit facing east.
• Take flowers in hands and chat the following mantra.

ॐ आधार शक्तपे नमः
और ॐ कूमयि नमः
ओम् अनन्तम नम:
पृथिव्यै नम:

Aum adhar shaktpe namah :

Aur aum kumyi namah :

Aum anantam namah :

Prithvye namah :

• Light lamp along with flowers, sweet, haldi , kumkum and perform aarti.
• Put haldi kumkum tilak on Lord’s image and on machines.
• After aarti immerse flowers in pot of water and this water is then sprinkled around premises and on machinery.


जय श्री विश्वकर्मा प्रभु, जय श्री विश्वकर्मा |
सकल सृष्टि के करता, रक्षक स्तुति धर्मा ||

आदि सृष्टि मे विधि को श्रुति उपदेश दिया |
जीव मात्रा का जाग मे, ज्ञान विकास किया ||

ऋषि अंगीरा ताप से, शांति नहीं पाई |
रोग ग्रस्त राजा ने जब आश्रया लीना |
संकट मोचन बनकर डोर दुःखा कीना ||
जय श्री विश्वकर्मा.

जब रथकार दंपति, तुम्हारी टर करी |
सुनकर दीं प्रार्थना, विपत हरी सागरी ||

एकानन चतुरानन, पंचानन राजे |
त्रिभुज चतुर्भुज दशभुज, सकल रूप सजे ||

ध्यान धरे तब पद का, सकल सिद्धि आवे |
मन द्विविधा मिट जावे, अटल शक्ति पावे ||

श्री विश्वकर्मा की आरती जो कोई गावे |
भाजात गजानांद स्वामी, सुख संपाति पावे ||
जय श्री विश्वकर्मा.

Jai shri vishwakarma prabhu, jai shri vishwakarma |
Sakal srishti ke karta, rakshak stuti dharma ||

Aadi srishti me vidhi ko shruti updesh diya |
Jeev matra ka jag me, gyan vikas kiya ||

Rishi angira tap se, shanti nahin pai |
Rog grast raja ne jab aashraya leena |
Sankat mochan bankar door duhkha keena ||
Jai shri vishwakarma.

Jab rathkaar dampati, tumhari ter kari |
Sunkar deen prarthna, vipat hari sagari ||

Ekanan chaturanan, panchanan raje |
Tribhuj chaturbhuj dashbhuj, sakal roop saje ||

Dhyan dhare tab pad ka, sakal siddhi aave |
Mann dvividha mit jave, atal shakti pave ||

Shri vishwakarma ki aarti jo koi gave |
Bhajat gajanand swami, sukh sampati pave ||
Jai shri vishwakarma.

Vishwakarma Puja

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