
  1.  Facile – easily accomplished, ready or fluent, superficial
  2. Faction – a small organized dissenting group within a large one, especially in politics
  3. Factotum – handyman, person who does all kind of work
  4. Falter – hesitate
  5. Fanaticism – excessive zeal, extreme devotion
  6. Fathom – comprehend, investigate
  7. Feign – pretend
  8. Felicity – happiness, appropriateness
  9. Fervent – hot, burning or glowing, having or showing great emotion or zeal.
  10. Fiasco – total failure
  11. Filch – steal
  12. Finicky – too particular, fussy
  13. Firebrand – trouble maker, hothead
  14. Fitful – not regular or steady
  15. Flagrant – conspicuously wicked, outrageous
  16. Flamboyant – confidence, tending to attract attention because of their exuberance(of a person or their behavior)
  17. Florid – having a red or flushed complexion, rosy cheeked, fancy, flamboyant
  18. Flounder – struggle mentally, splash, stumble, fumble, show or feel great confusion, struggle clumsily in mud or water
  19. Flux – series of changes
  20. Foil – halt, frustrate, thwart
  21. Foment – instigate, provoke
  22. Foolhardy – rash, risky
  23. Forbearance – patience
  24. Foreboding – a feeling that something bad will happen, anxiety, apprehension
  25. Forsake – desert, abandon, renounce
  26. Forswear – renounce, reject, avoid, refuse
  27. Forte – strong point or special talent
  28. Forthright – straightforward, direct, frank
  29. Fortitude – bravery, courage
  30. Foster – rear, encourage
  31. Founder – fail completely
  32. Fractious – unruly, disobedient, irritable
  33. Frail – weak and delicate (person)
  34. Fraught – filled or charged with
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