Managerial Economics

Effects of Inflation

Effects of Inflation The effects of inflation are all pervasive. It affects all those who depend on the market for their livelihood. The effects of inflation may be favourable or unfavourable, and low or high depending on the rate of inflation. Following are the major effects of inflation: 1. Effects of Inflation on Distribution of […]

Demand Pull and Cost Push Inflation

Demand Pull and Cost Push Inflation 1. Demand Pull Inflation The demand-pull inflation occurs when the aggregate demand increases at a much higher rate than the aggregate supply. In other words, demand-pull inflation occurs when, given the aggregate supply, aggregate demand increases substantially. Increase in aggregate demand may be caused by i. monetary factors, i.e. […]

Inflation – Meaning, Definitions, Characteristics, Causes and types

Inflation Meaning, Definitions, Characteristics, Causes and types Meaning Inflation is a global phenomenon in present-day times. There is hardly any country in the capitalist world today which is not afflicted by the specter of inflation. Inflation is a sustained rise in the average level of prices. Notice, the word sustained. Inflation does not mean a […]

Measurement of Inflation (Managerial Economics Notes) (BBA/MBA Notes)

Measurement of Inflation and Measures to Control Inflation   Lets Study Measurement of Inflation and ways to control inflation Degree of Inflation According to swiftness of rise in price level or intensity of increase in the general price level the inflation may be (a) creeping inflation, (b) running inflation, (c) galloping inflation, and (d) hyper […]

National Income – Concept, Types and Measurement (Managerial Economics)

National Income Concept, Types and Measurement Income refers to the flow of wages, interest payments, dividends and other things of values accruing during a period of time (usually a year). The aggregated of all incomes is national income. National income as the aggregate for money value of the annual flow of final goods and services […]

Demand Forecasting – Meaning, Scope, Types and Importance – Managerial Economics

Demand Forecasting Meaning, Scope, Types, Importance, Limitations and Criteria for Good Decision Making A forecast is a prediction about a future event which is most likely to happen under given conditions. In a world full of uncertainties, formation of some view about the future is inevitable. Therefore, firms try to forecast the likely demand for […]

Monopolistic Competition

Monopolistic Competition  The degree of competition in a monopolistic market is less than that in a market with perfect competition but more than that in an oligopoly and ofcourse a monopoly. The characteristics of a market with monopolistic competition are as follows: a) There are a large number of buyers b) There are a large […]

Monopolistic Competition – Meaning, Definitions and Characteristics

Monopolistic Competition – Meaning, Definitions, Characteristics The degree of competition in a monopolistic market is less than that in a market with perfect competition but more than that in an oligopoly and ofcourse a monopoly. The characteristics of a market with monopolistic competition are as follows: a) There are a large number of buyers b) […]

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