
The questions under this category are based on English Grammar. These questions test the student’s knowledge of grammar and ability to use English language correctly. We have created important English Grammar notes for the candidates who are preparing for the different competitive exams. We have summed up different books and created the important English grammar notes from exam’s point of view which will surely help you to score good marks in the exams and crack the examination. There are mock tests on our website which will help to develop confidence among the students.

Following are the kind of questions asked in exams :

  1. Sentence Correction

In this section an incorrect sentence is given and students are asked to spot the errors.

2. Phrase/Sentence Improvement

In this section a sentence is given and a part of it is underlined. Beneath each sentence four different ways of phrasing the sentence is given and the students have to choose the best alternative.

3. Filler

Fill in the blanks are given with 4 options and the students have to fill the blank with correct word which could be a verb, adjective, preposition etc.

4. Arrangements

In this section a disarranged sentence is given and the students are asked to arrange these sentences to form a meaningful sentences.




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