
English Grammar

English Grammar English is probably the most widely used language in the world. English, in many countries including India is used as the official language. Business transactions, job interviews, dissemination of scientific and technical data, the proceedings of law courts, Parliament and the administrative machinery as a whole, as well as the communication between State […]

English Grammar Lessons and Exercises

English Grammar – A Complete Guide English is probably the most widely used language in the world. English, in many countries including India is used as the official language. Business transactions, job interviews, dissemination of scientific and technical data, the proceedings of law courts, Parliament and the administrative machinery as a whole, as well as […]

Noun – Types and Exercise based on Nouns

Nouns   Nouns are the names of people, places, things, ideas, actions or qualities. Example – John, Nancy, Paris, Printer, Roof etc.   Types of Nouns : Nouns are classified into following types : Proper Nouns Common Nouns Collective Nouns Abstract Nouns Concrete Nouns Countable Nouns Uncountable Nouns Proper Nouns The name of a particular […]

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