Types of Entrepreneurs

Types of Entrepreneurs The various types or entrepreneur are classified as under: (1) According to the Type of Business: (i) Business entrepreneur Business entrepreneurs are those entrepreneurs who conceive the idea of a new product or service and then translate their ideas into reality. Entrepreneur examines the various possibilities of sources of finance, supply of labor, […]

Factors affecting Entrepreneurship

Factors affecting Entrepreneurship   Entrepreneurship is a complex phenomenon influenced by the interplay of a wide variety of factors. The entrepreneurial activity at any time is dependent upon a complex and varying combination of economic, social, political, psychological and other factors. These factors may have been both positive and negative effluences on the emergence of […]

Entrepreneurs-Definition,Classification and Role in Economic Development

Entrepreneurs   Definitions “Entrepreneurs are people who have the ability to see and evaluate business opportunities,together with the necessary resources to take advantage of them and to intimate appropriate action to ensure success.”  -International Labor  Organization Entrepreneur searches for change,responds to it and exploits opportunities.Innovation is the specific tool of an entrepreneur. -Peter F. Drucker […]

Importance of Entrepreneurship

Importance of Entrepreneurship   Entrepreneurship offers the following benefits: 1. Development of managerial capabilities The biggest significance of entrepreneurship lies in the fact that it helps in identifying and developing managerial capabilities of entrepreneurs. An entrepreneur studies a problem, identifies its alternatives, compares the alternatives in terms of cost and benefits implications, and finally chooses […]

Entrepreneur Vs. Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneur Vs. Entrepreneurship   Entrepreneur Entrepreneurship Entrepreneur is a person. Entrepreneurship is a process. Entrepreneur is an organizer. Entrepreneurship is an organization. Entrepreneur is an innovator. Entrepreneurship is an innovation. Entrepreneur is a risk bearer. Entrepreneurship is risk bearing. Entrepreneur is a motivator. Entrepreneurship is motivation. Entrepreneur is a creator. Entrepreneurship is a creation. Entrepreneur […]

Difference between Entrepreneur and Intrapreneur

Difference between Entrepreneur and Intrapreneur   Entrepreneur Intrapreneur An entrepreneur is independent in his operations An intraprenuer is dependent on the entrepreneur i.e. the owner. An entrepreneur himself raises funds required for the enterprise. The Intrapreneur does not raise funds. Entrepreneur bears the risk involved in the business. An intrapreneur does not fully bear the […]

Entrepreneurship-Meaning,Definition and Characteristics

Entrepreneurship   The word “entrepreneur” is derived from the French verb “entreprendre”, which means ‘to undertake’. This refers to those who “undertake” the risk of new enterprises. An enterprise is created by an entrepreneur. The process of creation is called “entrepreneurship”. Meaning Entrepreneurship is a process of actions of an entrepreneur who is a person […]

International marketing Environment

International Marketing Environment   The key difference between domestic marketing and marketing on an international scale is the multidimensionality and complexity of the many foreign country markets a company may operate in. An international manager needs a knowledge and awareness of these complexities and the implications they have for international marketing management.   Environmental Influences […]

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