Communication Models – Types, Advantages and Disadvantages

Communication Models – Types, Advantages and Disadvantages

Communication Models  are conceptual  models used to explain the human communication process. In this section, you will learn about three models of communication:

I. Linear model

II. Interactive model

III. Transactional model

I. Linear Model of Communication

It is a simple one way communication model. The message flows in a straight line from sender to the receiver. There is no concept of feedback. The only task that a receiver does here is to receive the message. Different models that follow linear model of communication are:

  1. Lasswell’s Model
  2. Aristotle’s Model
  3. Shannon Weaver Model
  4. Berlo’s S-M-C-R Model
  1. Lasswell’s model

Lasswell’s communication model was developed by communication theorist Harold D. Lasswell in 1948. Lasswell’s model of communication (also known as action model or linear model or one way model of communication) is regarded as one the most influential communication models.Harold Dwight Lasswell, states that a convenient way to describe an act of communication is to answer the following questions:

  • Who: the person who formulates the message
  • What: the content of the message
  • Channel: the medium by which the message is being communicated
  • Whom: the person or persons who receive the message
  • Effect: the outcome of the message.


Lasswell’s Linear model of communication
Lasswell’s model


  • It is Easy and Simple
  • It suits for almost all types of communication
  • The concept of effect


  • Feedback not mentioned
  • Noise not mentioned
  • Linear Model

2. Aristotle’s Model
Aristotle developed a linear model of communication for oral communication known as Aristotle’s Model of Communication. This is considered as the first model of communication and was proposed before 300 B.C. It is also the most widely accepted among all communication models.
Aristotle Model is mainly focused on speaker and speech. It can be broadly divided into 5 primary elements:
1. Speaker
2. Speech
3. Occasion
4. Audience
5. Effect

Aristotle’s Linear Model of Communication
Aristotle’s Model


The Aristotle’s communication model is a speaker centered model as the speaker has the most important role in it and is the only one active. His words should influence in audience mind and persuade their thoughts towards him. The role of the audience is passive, influenced by the speech. This makes the communication process one way, from speaker to receiver.

Communication Models – Types, Advantages and Disadvantages

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