Evaluation of Training

Evaluation of Training Programme

The last stage in the training and development process is the evaluation of training. Since huge sums of money are spent on training and development, how far the programme has been useful must be judged.

According to Hamblin

Evaluating training is any attempt to obtain information(feedback) on the effects of a training programme and to assess the value of the training in the light of that information.

According to Warr

Evaluation is the systematic collection and assessment of information for deciding how best to utilize available training resources in order to achieve organizational goals.

Need   for  Evaluation    

  1. To determine whether the specific training objectives are accomplished or not.
  2. To ensure that any changes in trainee capability are due to the training programme and not due to any other conditions.
  3. To identify which trainees benefit most or least from the programme.
  4. To determine the financial benefits and costs of the training programme.
  5. Credibility of training and development is greatly enhanced when it is proved that the organization has been benefited tangibly from it.
  6. Evaluation is critical not for assessing quality of training, but also to see that future changes in training plan should be made to make it more effective, and achieve goals of the organization.
  7. To compare the costs and benefits of training versus non- training investments like work redesign etc.


Principles of Evaluation

Evaluation of the training programme must be based on the following principles:

  • Training faculty must be clear about the goals and purposes of evaluation.
  • Evaluation must be continuous.
  • Evaluation must be specific.
  • Evaluation must provide the means and focus for trainers to be able to appraise themselves, their practices and their products.
  • Evaluation must be based on objective (quantitative) methods and standards.
  • Realistic target dates must be set for each phase of the evaluation process.
  • Evaluation must be cost effective.

Evaluation     Criteria

Evaluation    of  training    effectiveness   is  the  process    of obtaining  information  on the effects  of a training   programme   and  assessing   the value of training    in  the light  of  that   information.   Evaluation   involve controlling       and correcting the programme.   The basis  of evaluation  and  mode  are determined when  the   training     programme    is  designed. According    to Hamblin training effectiveness  can  be  measured in terms   of the  following criteria:

  • Reactions

A training   programme   can  be evaluated  in terms   of the trainee’s reactions    to  the  objectives,  contents    and  methods    of training.    In  case   the  trainees considered  the  programme   worthwhile   and  like  it,  the  training    can  be  considered effective.

  • Learning

Learning measures assess the degree to which trainees have mastered the concepts, knowledge and skills of the training.

  • Behaviour

Improvement  in the  job  behavior   of the  trainees    reflects   the manner   and  extent   to which   the  learning   has  been  applied   to the job.

  • Results

 The  ultimate   results   in terms  of productivity  improvement.   quality improvement,  cost  reduction.   accident   reduction,   reduction   in labour   turnover   and absenteeism   are  the  best  criteria   for  evaluating  training   effectiveness.

The following figure provides a broad framework for evaluation in terms of types, levels and methods. However, it may not always be possible to employee a comprehensive  evaluation system due to organizational constraints e.g.

  1. Lack of clear training policy
  2. Inadequate infrastructure
  3. Unwillingness of the management to change human resource policies
  4. Performance appraisal system
  5. Organizational processes on the basis of feedback


Methods   of  Evaluation

Several   methods    can  be  employed  to  collect  data   on the outcome of training. Some of these are:

  1. The opinions and  judgments  of trainers,    superiors     and  peers,
  2. Asking the  trainees    to fill up  evaluation  forms,
  3. Using  a questionnaire    to know  the  reactions    of trainees,
  4. Giving oral and  written   tests  to trainees   to ascertain    how far they have learnt,
  5. Arranging structured    interviews  with  the  trainees.
  6. Comparing trainees    performance   on-the-job  before   and  after  training,
  7. Studying profiles   and  career   development   charts    of trainees.
  8. Measuring levels  of productivity,  wastage.   costs,  absenteeism   and  employee turnover    after  training.
  9. Trainees’ comments and  reactions  during   the  training   period,   and
  10. Cost benefit   analysis   of the  training   programme.
Evaluation of Training

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