Industrial Disputes Act, 1947

Industrial Disputes Act, 1947


Industrial Disputes Act, 1947


The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, was enacted to promote industrial peace by providing appropriate machinery for amicable settlement of disputes arising between employers and employees. The Industrial Disputes Act 1947 extends to the whole of India and regulates Indian labour law so far as that concerns trade unions as well as Individual workman employed in any Industry within the territory of Indian mainland. It came into force 1 April 1947.

Objects of the Act

The principal objects of this Act are as follows:

  1. The promotion of measures to secure cordial relations between labour and management
  2. Investigation and settlement of industrial disputes (for which machinery is provided)
  3. Prevention of illegal strikes and lock-outs
  4. Provision of relief in matters of lay-off and retrenchment


The Industrial Disputes Act extends to whole of India and applies to every Industry and its various industrial establishment carrying on any business, trade, manufacture or distribution of goods and services irrespective of the number of workmen employed therein. Every person employed in an establishment for hire or reward including contract labour, apprentices and part-time employees to do any manual, clerical, skilled, unskilled, technical, operational or supervisory work, is covered by the Act. This Act though does not apply to persons mainly in managerial or administrative capacity, persons engaged in a supervisory capacity and drawing > 10,000 p.m or executing managerial functions and persons subject to Army Act, Air Force and Navy Act or those in police service or officer or employee of a prison.

Industrial Disputes Act, 1947
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