Job Description

Job Description


Job description is a list which containing tasks or functions and responsibility of a position which are to be performed. Job description is a written statement mentioning the job title, tasks to be performed, duties and responsibilities involved in a job. It also mentions the working conditions, hazards, stress and other problems involved in a job and the relationship with other jobs.


According to Flippo  

A job description is an organized, factual statement of duties and responsibilities of a specific job. In brief, it should tell what is to be done, how it is done, and why. It is a standard of function, in that it defines the appropriate and authorized content of a job.

According to Clyde E. Witt

Job description is a document that specifies the tasks, duties and responsibilities of the job and should certainly be relevant and accurate.

According to Michael Armstrong

Job description is defined as a statement  that specifies the purpose of a job, also mentions where the job fits in the organization structure, the context within which the job holder functions, and the principal accountability of job holders, or the main tasks to be carried out by them.


Contents of Job Description

A job description normally contains the following information :

  1. Job Identification

Job title, code number of the job, department or division where the job is located. This part of job description helps to identify and designate the job. It also reveals the relationship of the job with other jobs.

  1. Job Summary

It describes the contents of a job in terms of the activities or tasks performed.

  1. Job Duties and Responsibilities

It is the heart of job description. It describes the duties performed alongwith frequency of each major duty. Responsibilities concerning custody of money, supervision and training of staff, etc. are also described in this part.

Job Description

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