Personnel Management



Placement comes after the candidate has been selected. After selection the candidate is placed on the job for which he has been selected and this is known as placement. Placement is the process of assigning a specific job to each one of the selected candidates. It involves assigning a specific rank and responsibility to an individual. Placement refers to the allocation of people to jobs. It includes initial assignment of new employees and promotion, transfer or demotion of present employees. It is the actual posting of an employee to a specific job. It is very important and necessary for an employee that the departmental head or supervisor accepts him and has faith in his abilities and potentials that he will be able to fulfill the job requirements.

Induction or Orientation

When a  new employee joins  an organisation.  he is completely a stranger    to the people, work place  and  the  work   environment.   Therefore,  he  is  likely  to feel  insecure,  shy and nervous.   In the  absence   of information  and  support    there  is likely  to be anxiety and fear  in his  mind. Induction  or orientation  can  help  overcome these problems.

The term induction means installation or initiation. Induction is a technique in which a new employee is introduced to the purposes, policies and practices of the organisation, nature of work, working conditions, norms and ethos of the organisation, ft is the process basically to develop the level of comfort between the new joinee and the work, he is supposed to perform.


Orientation is the process of receiving and welcoming employees when they first join a company and giving them the basic information they need to settle down quickly and happily and start work.

– Michael Armstrong

Orientation is the process of planned introduction of employees to their job, their co-workers, and the organization.

-Robert L. Mathis

Orientation is a procedure for providing new employees with basic background information about the firm.

-Gary Dessler

Objectives of Induction

(a) Make employees comfortable.

(b) Reduce their anxiety.

(c) Adjust themselves to the new environment.

(d) Provide them information about the job.

(e ) To ensure   that   the  newcomers  do  not  form  false  impression   and negative attitude  towards  the  organization  or  the job.

(f) To foster   a close  and  cordial   relationship  between  the  newcomers  and  the old  employees  and  their   supervisors

Contents  of Induction Programme

A formal induction programme  should provide information concerning the following:

  1. Brief history  and  operations  of the  company.
  2. Products and  services  of the  company.
  3. The company’s  organisation  structure.
  4. Location of departments and  employee facilities.
  5. Politics and procedures   of the  company.
  6. Rules, regulations and  daily  work  routines.
  7. Grievance procedures.
  8. Safety measures.
  9. Standing orders    and  disciphnary  procedures.
  10. Terms and conditions  of service including wages, working hours,   overtime, holidays, etc.
  11. Suggestion schemes.
  12. Benefits and services for  employees.
  13. Opportunities for  training, promotions,  transfers,  etc.

Induction Programme : Steps

The HR department may initiate the following steps while organisaing the induction programe:

  • Welcome to the organization
  • Explain about the company.
  • Show the location/department where the new recruitment will work.
  • Give the company’s manual to the new recruit.
  • Provide details about various groups and the extent of unionism within the company.
  • Give details about pay, benefits, holidays, leaves etc. Emphasise the importance of attendance or punctuality.
  • Explain about future training opportunities and career prospects.
  • Clarify doubts, by encouraging the employee to come out with questions.
  • Take the employee on a guided tour of buildings, facilities etc. Hand him over to his supervisior.

Three Steps to Induction Programme

  1. General orientation by the staff In this general information regarding the history and code of conduct of the firm is given. The main purpose is to build up the positive image of the organisation in the eyes of an employee and fill the employee with a sense of pride that he is part of such reputed organisations. In this the detail of achievements, ranks, awards, certification, recognition from different authentic and relevant bodies is given to the employee.
  2. Specific orientation by the job supervisor It is usually done in his/her department where the person is supposed to work. The employee is shown the department and place of the work, the location and the facilities provided to him. He is also explained about the other necessary departments and personnel with whom he needs to co-ordinate to get the work done. The purpose to enable the employee to adjust with his/her work and work environment.
  3. Follow up orientation by either the personnel department It is basically the activity in which feedback of new entrant is taken. This is conducted within one week to six months of the initial induction. It is usually taken by an expert or a senior to find out whether the employee is reasonably satisfied with the organisation and the kind of facilities being provided to him. If there is any difficulty experienced by the new comer which may become a bottleneck while fulfilling the work assigned to him, then the efforts are made to solve then or suggest him some alternatives through personal talks, guidance and counselling.
Personnel Management

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