41. Carbon monoxide is a pollutant as it
(a) Inactivates nerves and cause numbness
(b) Inhibits Glycolysis
(c) Combine with oxygen and shift oxygen dissociation curve
(d) Combines with Haemoglobin and cause hemolysis
Ans. d
42. Which of the following pollutant forms a toxic and stable substance in blood by combining with haemoglobin?
(a) CO2
(b) CO
(c) CH4
(d) O2
Ans. b
43. Carbon monoxide is harmful for man because :
(a) it is carcinogenic
(b) it damages kidney
(c) it competes with oxygen in blood
(d) it changes pH of body
Ans. c
44. CO2 contents in air is about
(a) 0.34%
(b) 4%
(c) 3.34%
(d) 0. 034%
Ans. d
45. One of the important effects of S)2 and its transformation products on plants is
(a) Plasmolysis
(b) Destruction of chlorphyll
(c) Destruction of Golgi bodies
(d) Destruction of cell wall
Ans. b
46. Taj Mahal is threatened due to the effect of
(a) chlorine
(Q) sulphur dioxide
(c) oxygen
(d) hydrogen
Ans. b
47. Lichen deserts indicate
(a) Air pollution due to CO
(b) Air pollution due to S02
(c) Pollution due to smoke
(d) Noise pollution
Ans. b
48. Lichens are best ecological indicator of
(a) air pollution
(b) water pollution
(c) noise pollution
(d) all of these
Ans. a
49. Which of the following is a possible producer of ecosystem?
(a) Plants and some bacteria capable of producing their own food.
(b) Animals
(c) Human beings
(d) Fish
Ans. a
50. Which of the following statements is not true?
(a) In an ecosystem, sustained development (evolution) is facilitated by a close physical proximity and functional matching between the production and he consumers.
(b) In the anthroposystem, there is usually a significant physical displacement between the producer and the consumer.
(c) In an ecosystem most of the materials are transferred from the producers to the recyclers and only a small fraction is passed through the consumers o the recyclers.
(d) In the anthroposystem the flow of material from the producers directly to he recyclers is a major proportion.
Ans. d
51. Tendency of pollutants to become concentrated in successive trophic levels is known as :
(a) Bioremediation
(b) Biomagnification
(c) Biopiracy
(d) Biorhythm
Ans. b
52. A trophic level refers to :
(a) Area in tropics
(b) An organism’s position in a food chain
(c) An organism’s position in an ecosystem
(d) An organism’s position in a biome
Ans. b
53. Lichens have disappeared from cities because they are highly susceptible to
(a) CO2
(b) 03
(c) N02
(d) SO2
Ans. d
54. Most inhabitants of Kolkata suffer from bronchitis/asthma.It is due to excess of SO2 pollutants in
(a) air
(b) water
(c) soil
(d) adulterated food
Ans. a
55. Death while sleeping in dosed room with
burning coal furnace is due to
(a) CO2
(b) CO
(c) CCl4
(d) SO2
Ans. b
56. Air pollution is not caused by
(a) pollen grains
(b) automobiles
(c) industries
(d) hydro-electric power
Ans. d
57. Which of the following is not a problem associated with agrosystems?
(a) Creating a situation ideal for disease and insect pests.
(b) Lack of inorganic nutrient recycling.
(c) Increased water and energy consumption
(d) Increased dependence on relatively few varieties of plants for food.
Ans. c
58. Which of the following statements is not true?
(a) Reservoirs are those parts of the biogeochemical cycles where a chemical is lied in large quantities for long periods of time.
(b) In exchange pools the chemicals are held for only a short time.
(c) The inorganic chemicals get recycled through both the biological and the geological world.
(d) Cloud is a reservoir of water.
Ans. d
59. The concentration of carbon in living matter is almost 100 ties greater than its concentration in the earth because :
(a) Carbon is produced by the living cells
(b) Living things extract carbon from their non living environment
(c) Carbon is biomagnified from their non living environment
(d) Carbon cannot be recycled.
Ans. b
60. The largest reservoir of nitrogen on our planet is :
(a) Oceans
(b) Atmosphere
(c) Biosphere
(d) Fossil fuels
Ans. b